Are We There Yet?

This is one crazy journey.

So Mad I Could Spit May 9, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — taramayrn @ 6:41 pm

So I was interviewed over the phone by a practicum journalism student for a newspaper article on Birthmother’s Day. I get an email today with the article. This girl has quoted me saying things I have never thought let alone said. When I was finished reading the article I was just shaking in anger. These things I would have never said let alone think. I’m going to post the article for you all to read in a seperate post. Please remember I never said any of these things. I emailed the news editor at the newspaper to let him know.


Giveaway…. May 7, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — taramayrn @ 8:47 am

Thanksgivingmom is having a giveaway. Check it out.


Update for Weeks 7 and 8

Filed under: Uncategorized — taramayrn @ 8:35 am

I just realized that I didn’t post an update for week 7. Week 7 came and went without any real issues or problems.
Week 8 though, is another story. I am nauseated most of the day. I am good if my stomach is full, but if I start to get hungry I start to get nauseated. The problem with that is that when I get nauseated there is a very limited amount of foods that sound somewhat appealing to me. I sure hope this is gone by the time week 9 comes around.


It’s my birthday… May 2, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — taramayrn @ 10:32 am

The big 28. Today I have to work from 1-5 at the store and then my husband and his parents are taking me out for supper to a great Mexican restaurant. 🙂


Poll Time: Baby Nickname April 28, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — taramayrn @ 7:46 pm

I asked for your help a few days ago to come up with a nickname for this baby. As we aren’t going to find out the sex of the baby before it’s born we need to find a gender neutral nickname to call this little babe. I got a few responses with suggestions for nicknames and so I’ve narrowed it down to two – “little nugget” or “love bug”. Once again I’m asking for your help – please leave me a comment with your vote.


Look at this… April 25, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — taramayrn @ 4:01 pm

So as you read here I love ladybugs and so I want to encorporate ladybugs into this new baby’s room. Check this out this wall decal I’ve run across “with a butterfly kiss and a ladybug hug, sleep tight little one, like a bug in a rug”.  Isn’t it perfect?!


Update on the “big blow out”

Filed under: Uncategorized — taramayrn @ 10:01 am

So a few days ago I posted about the big blow out of week 6. So I should really explain that my husband isn’t a big meanie that doesn’t want me to tell anyone we’re pregnant. He’s just a guy that is so worried we will miscarry or that we will lose the baby and he’ll have to explain it to everyone. I certainly can appreciate that. So those of you who were worried about the future of my marraige please stop worrying, we’re fine. 😉


The dreaded question April 24, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — taramayrn @ 3:31 pm

Okay, so my first/birthmom friends know what question I am talking about – “is this your first pregnancy?”  It can send the most together woman into a tail spin.  I know for me it does.

I am not ashamed of my son or our adoption story, but I don’t feel the need to advertise it to everyone I know.  If you are worthy of knowing I will tell you.  If I think you will be supportive and non-judgemental I will tell you. 

So, not alot of people IRL know I’m pregnant yet.  Most of the people at work know.  I couldn’t keep my mouth shut and told a few people.  I of course, knew that working with all women would mean the whole unit would know within 0.2 seconds.  I’m cool with that.

So a few people at my work know about T and the adoption.  They are cool with it.  There are a few more who don’t know.  It’s not that I hide it or don’t want them to know it’s just that I haven’t found the right time to talk about it.  I can picture it in my head now, me and a coworker discussing a patient’s condition and I bust out with the news.  Talk about awkward.  It’s got to be the right time. 

So far I haven’t had the dreaded question a whole lot, although most people just assume it’s my first pregnancy and first baby.  Although for some reason some people seem to think I have all these kids I’m parenting – which I find hilarious, but anyways and when that happens I say, no, no kids at home, but have one living with his adoptive family.  I explain it all, answer the stupid questions and move on. 

I was kind of thankful for one lady, J. spilling my news one day.  It made it easier you know?  I should have really thanked her, but I didn’t.  A coworker who I’m quite close with and hadn’t found the right time to tell about T, said to me “oh well you’ll for sure be overdue” and J. piped in and said “well this isn’t her first pregnancy”.  And then I explained.  I don’t know, for some reason it seemed easier coming from her.  

So, I’m trying to prepare myself for the dreaded question.  I don’t want to lie because as I said earlier I’m not ashamed and I don’t want to deny T, but if I say “no” then I’ve got to be prepared to explain it to those that I know.  I mean I don’t care saying “no” to strangers who ask.  I’m not going to take the time to explain it all to them, but those that I know and know I am not parenting any kids will be confused. 

Any advice from those who’ve been there, done that? 


Asking for your help.

Filed under: Uncategorized — taramayrn @ 9:49 am

Last night I was chatting with my friend Thanksgivingmom and she referred to my unborn child as the “little nugget”. It got me laughing.  I have been thinking I’ve needed to come up with creative name for the baby as opposed to calling it “it” or “the baby” but just haven’t been able to come up with anything aside from “little one”.  So my friends, I am asking for your help.  I would love to hear your suggestions for a name for this little one.  Leave me a comment – if you don’t I’ll be forced to call my unborn baby “it”. Now can you really live with yourself if I do that?! I think not.


I’ve Been Tagged. April 22, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — taramayrn @ 11:03 am

Thanksgivingmom tagged me to post about 6 randmon things.  She’s trying to give me a push to get back into blogging.  To be honest I find blogging hard, but here goes nothing….

1.  Hi, my name is Tara and I’m a Starbucks addict.  I don’t drink coffee, but am currently in love with a good ol’ Venti Tea Misto, non fat, extra hot, one tea bag and one Splenda.  Now, say that five times fast.  LOL, my friends just laugh and call me a Starbucks snob.  I don’t mind because frankly it’s true.

2.  I love ladybugs.  I think for as long as I can remember I’ve loved them.  When I was about 2 years old my grandmother had this little ladybug patch on one of her tshirts.  I made her take it off her shirt and sew it on mine. 

3.  I play with my hair alot.  A little too much sometimes, I’m sure if I didn’t I’d have nice thick hair.

4.  I drive a mini van and have for about a year now.  And you know what, I kind of like it.  ;o)  Now it’s super practical with baby on the way, but prior to the conception of the little one, it certainly wasn’t practical. 

5.  I love to gossip.  I wish I could stop but I just can’t help myself.   I don’t do it maliciously I just love to know what’s going on.

6.  I want to marry Tzatziki – enough said.


Okay, so now who should I tag??  I think it’s going to be Kareena, Leigh, and Tammy.  Can’t wait to read your posts ladies…