Are We There Yet?

This is one crazy journey.

Telling the Family April 19, 2008

Filed under: Baby Nielsen,Family — taramayrn @ 2:23 pm

Today I talked with most of my family to tell them about our pregnancy.  I talked with my step-mom, my dad and my step-sisters.  They are all really excited for us and can’t wait to see us in June.  My step-sister Melissa’s getting married.  It’s sad they don’t live closer. 


I’m a Reading Machine April 15, 2008

Filed under: Baby Nielsen,Books — taramayrn @ 11:41 pm

So yesterday I had the doctor’s appointment to confirm I am pregnant and he tells me my due date is December 20th – pretty close to what I had thought.  So a Christmas baby it will be.   My mom reminded me today that my uncle’s birthday is the 20th. 

So I got a schwack (is that even a word?) load of reading material from the doctor, plus this cool little thingy (again is that even a word?) to hang on my fridge so I can keep track of how many veggies or milk products I’ve eaten per day.  Rather handy if you ask me.

I also bought the quintessential pregnancy book – “What to Expect When You’re Expecting”, as well as “What to Expect in the First Year”.  What can I say I’m a book nerd. 

There’s an early prenatal class we’re considering taking.  It discusses emotional and physical changes in pregnancy, lifestyle choices, etc.  So we’ll see what hubby wants to do about that.  For me I just read that stuff in the books I’ve bought, but he isn’t a big reader so it might be benefitial for him to hear the information rather than have to read it.

The bloating continues as does the fatigue.  


We’re Expecting!! April 14, 2008

Filed under: Baby Nielsen — taramayrn @ 10:56 am

Yep, you heard that right.  Hubby and I are expecting.  We tried for one whole month.  Holy moly!?  So yes, we’re 5 weeks pregnant and baby will be due around December 21.  I have my first appointment this afternoon with my doctor to confirm that I am in fact pregnant.

As for symptoms – so far so good.  I’m tired as all get out, but oh well.  Nausea not so much, I’m praying that doesn’t change.  I feel extremely bloated and said yesterday that my jeans were starting to get tight. 

Hubby and I are so excited.  He told his mom and step-dad yesterday and they seemed excited.  My mom knows and she’s very excited.  So just need to tell a few other family members soon. 


So, this is my new reason to keep my blog updated.  My hope is to update weekly until the little peanut is born.  Hmm, peanut?  Not sure that sounds right.  Anyone have any cute nickname ideas for this little one we can use since we won’t be finding out the sex of the baby?

