Are We There Yet?

This is one crazy journey.

Kind of sad February 15, 2007

Filed under: Adoption — taramayrn @ 4:24 pm

So Tuesday was our birthson T’s 7th birthday.  Since I hadn’t gotten his birthday present ready and in the mail yet I sent him an ecard so that he knew we were thinking of him.  I couldn’t call him as I was at work all day (and he was at school all day) and had the evening all booked up.  So I sent the ecard, which will send an email notification to the sender when the person you’ve sent it to reads the card.  No one’s picked up the card yet. 😦 

So, yes, I need to get off my lazy, procrastinating, worrying butt and call, but really it’s just not that simple for me.  I have this immense anxiety when I think of calling them.  I really don’t think I have any reason to worry.  We have a wonderful relationship and they  have made us feel so welcome in their lives.  I guess though, it’s just the awkwardness (since I’ve probably made about 10 phone calls to them over 7 years) that I fear. 

Any other birthmoms have anxiety when it comes to calling their child’s family?  I feel like I’m the Lone Ranger on this one though.  I look around and see other birthmoms who can talk so freely with their child’s parents and I want that.  I think I’ve just got to bite the bullet and start calling.  Actually that’s one of the things I want to change this year.  I am bad at calling lots of people in my life.  Frankly, I suck….

So any tips on how to make this not so scary would be great.


Happy Birthday! February 13, 2007

Filed under: Uncategorized — taramayrn @ 10:17 pm

Happy 7th Birthday to our Boy!  We love you….